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Creatives Approval

Banners are very important for your website’s image. You wouldn’t want big disruptive images shown to your users. That’s why, after a vendor creates a banner ad campaign, it is submitted for your approval. Under the “Manage” tab, you can either approve or reject their submission before it goes live or becomes eligible for ad auctions.

Topsort gives you a close feedback loop with your vendors. You can keep vendors clearly informed about meeting your aesthetic guidelines and help them optimize their campaigns through our rejection flow system.

How do I approve a banner ad request?

Navigate to the “Waiting” tab. All requests pending your approval will have a status label “waiting for approval” attached to the campaign card. Assess the budget amount, duration, bid amount, and creative that they all meet best practices. Click the green check button to approve it.

How do I reject a banner ad request?

If you find the campaign doesn’t meet your standards in any way, you can reject the request with the red X button and, optionally, provide feedback in the text field and multiple choice selection.

If you provide feedback, the campaign will assume the status “rejected • waiting for updates” and the feedback will be sent via email to the vendor. Requests that are rejected without any feedback assume the status label “rejected” instead.

Either way, the vendor gets to revise their campaign settings and/or correct the design on their creative for a resubmission. You can undergo an infinite amount of feedback and revision cycles with your vendor until the campaign is approved.

What leads to a rejection?

There are many reasons you may reject a banner ad campaign. Banner ads need just the right kind of image to communicate clearly about a brand or product offering. They also need readable font, a clear CTA, and great value propositions. They need to be featured at relevant places on your site to generate high interest and engagement. Not to mention, the budget and bid amounts need to be enough to ensure the campaign will run long enough to bring in high returns.